Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why the name ''Close-Mouthed' ???

The Dictionary defines Close-mouthed as Uncommunicative, Shy, Reticent, Wary etc. Blogs are becoming one of the most important tools of communication, the aperture to one’s world view. Even Marketeers use blogs for Word of Mouth communication. Yes, it can reap benefits without much investment. If so, then why the name ‘Close- Mouthed’, for a blog??

When I first thought of naming my blog, I tried to come up with a few descriptions of myself. The first word that came running to my mind was 'Reserved'. Something that I have been hearing about myself right from Kindergarten. "She needs to talk more. Yes she is a bright and hardworking girl. But she needs to interact more - with teachers, with friends."

But fortunately for me I have a mother who does all the talking for both of us combined. So if in case someone did not notice my talents, my mom ensured that they did so soon. So even with this great disability of mine I managed to be pretty successful in academics and to some extent in singing (thanks to my mom).

After my engineering and a short stint with IT I am back in a school. But this time its a B school. And to top it all, its marketing communications that I am specializing in. What an irony!!! The day I set my foot in the campus, I remember getting butterflies in my stomach. Me, a small town girl from Kerala, can hardly manage to speak English without an accent. And here I see the typical Street Smart guys and gals from the metros. And guess what happened?? I literally became close mouthed, especially in classes where Class Participation (CP) leads to Desperate Class Participation (DCP) and to After Class Participation (ACP) in the mad scramble for grades.

But often I wonder what’s really wrong in being this way?? I talk when it matters to me. And I know there are millions of people who are faced with this dilemma.

There is another connotation to being close-mouthed. It can also be the inability to express something because it is beyond acceptable societal norms. I feel we are all bound by the society which we live in. We talk and act according to others wishes.

I dedicate this blog to all the men and women of 'Few Words'. To those so called close mouthed people who are always worried of what others will think of their each and every action. For those people whose confidence levels are down by a notch or two. And to those who are straining at their leashes to be able to express what they want, to the world.